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The Art of Inclusiveness

The Art of Inclusiveness

One way of saying is, “I am only human” means we are talking about the limitations of being human. The other way of saying is, “I am human” means realizing that it is we the human being who has the phenomenal possibilities to transcend all the limitations and experience life beyond. This is called the art of inclusiveness to experience life in its entirety.

Referring to the immensity of being human

Life is all about perception. The way you perceive life, accordingly you create a chemical environment within your system. Human beings are a rare amalgamation of the creator and the creation within itself. You always have a choice to make a conscious decision in any given life situations.

Limited perspective of looking Self vs Others

If we try to understand a larger perspective of YOU and the UNIVERSE, then the limitation lies right there. Border is right with us, our physical body. Consciously crossing the border is the only way to taste the art of inclusiveness.

Why to practice the art of Inclusiveness

When you can get the experience of the whole universe, then why to settle for a lesser deal to become exclusive? This is a very constipated way of experiencing life. Becoming exclusive means there is a huge part of life that you are missing too. You can make every experience in your life into an enhancing process or you can use it to become resistant towards life. Choice is always yours.

How to practice the Art of Inclusiveness: Two Fundamental ways

Realization: Simply realizing the fact that we as human being do not know a thing about this huge universe. This much realization should make us more humble to life around us. For example, we do not know how the sky is made up of. We do not know how exactly a tree function. We do not know how exactly the human body function etc..

What we know is absolutely based on our thinking pattern, a distorted memory of data and imagination which is just not true. So looking at life around us with great humbleness and an eye of wonderment will make us more inclusive towards life. Dissolving the “I” factor is the only way to transform life and enhance it to the next higher level practicing the art of inclusiveness.

Have you ever wondered how a seed is transformed to a beautiful plant, and then a big tree? Where does the identity of the seed go? Yes, the seed practice the art of inclusiveness to enhance its life to a higher possibility of becoming a plant and then a tree.

Yoga: The word Yoga means the state of union with the universe. Maharishi Patanjali said, “Chitta vritti nirodha” which means if the intellect ceases, you will be in yoga. Our intellect has always understood life in bits and pieces which is an ugly way of knowing life.

The way our intellect tries to analyze and know anything is to dissect, to cut up almost everything and look at it. By dissecting everything, we will know only one aspect of life, but then we will miss knowing the very nature of life. For example, knowing a flower by dissecting it is one way of knowing it. However, knowing the same flower in its entirety can only happen by experiencing its fragrance, beauty and color of the flower. This will help you to practice the art of inclusiveness.

So Maharishi Patanjali suggested yoga sutras which will help you in bringing your intellect to a hold and it is not cutting up or dissecting anything. This is a state of consciousness. Then you are in yoga. You are in union with the universe, pulsating with life and realizing yourself as part of the universe.
The universe is waiting right there with a focus to embrace us.

Are we ready to align with the universe to make this magic happen?


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  1. Mesmerizing lines. Very well composed.proud of you