Move On

Move On
Relationship….how beautiful is this word to someone. It creates a lot of subjective truth the Individual has experienced, or experiencing in his/her life. One Life, and many Relationship…some know the art of calibrating with others to beautify the bonding, and However, some find it challenging…


Life is more about Emotions. And Communication plays a vital role to make Life more beautiful. And when we talk about communication, any negative response to a negative expression will result to be more negative. Like rudeness in response to rudeness is more rudeness; Anger…


We are split people. For myself, half of me wishes to sit quietly with legs crossed, letting the things that are beyond my control wash over me. But the other half wants to fight a holy war. And certainly we could argue this out in…


What are we chasing for..STABILITY or MOBILITY..If Stability performs consistent..we say it MONOTONOUS…and if MOBILITY is consistent. Then it is only pleasant if the performance graph goes upward…else is TERRIBLE if it goes down. Then What are we Chasing for…HERMIT (THE SHIVA in the Himalayas…

Facebook Story

My Facebook says that I have not penned down anything for a quite a long time from now, so I thought to pen down few of my experiences which I started facing rather experiencing ever since I have started using FaceBook, So I would like…

Being Transparent

We see colours everywhere, all the creatures in this world see colours differently. Colour is a very deceptive process; it’s not the way we think it is. Few Animals does not even see colour. We see something as Green, not because it is Green, It…

To Do or Not to Do

act or wait
Perfect Balance Between Being Receptive and Doing Action: We, the Human Being, own the most sophisticated Machine in the world, that is our Body n Mind; How it works, we really don’t know though we have loads of Medical explanations on this. Had we known…

Recipe of Life

Recipe of Life
All the creatures who are alive are blessed with right ingredients from our Planet, it is we who has to perfectly permute and combine the ingredients to make our life Blissful, the perfect recipe. If we pay attention to any recipe that we make to…