Spice of Life

Move On

Move On

Relationship….how beautiful is this word to someone. It creates a lot of subjective truth the Individual has experienced, or experiencing in his/her life. One Life, and many Relationship…some know the art of calibrating with others to beautify the bonding, and However, some find it challenging to continue even a moment with it.

Anyways, its a Beautiful trap which can be as beautiful as PARADISE or can be as complicated as a JAIL. What Say???
However, Synonym for Life is ..TO MOVE ON…and make certain DECISIONs at the right TIME. Whatever Relationship we are into..Each of them are Unique in their own way..irrespective of whether we enjoy that relationship or suffer with it
or just continue like that with lot of stories hidden in the sulking Heart..
However, few Challenges in this Mandate Word in our Life ..may be because of preoccupied assumptions, premature delivery of the word JUDGEMENTAL about someone we meet, and of course our own claustrophobic thoughts.. isn’t it?
We explore, we innovate, we create ourselves each day in our lives as we progress and age. Then, Why not, give a chance to the Chance of Relationship, which may beautify our life, and thereby moving to the next level of this experience to the word Relationship..

Somewhere, we have to make peace with this mandate word of Life, as the Law of Nature is always to maintain equilibrium, could be by FORGIVING OTHERS, FORGIVING SELF, OR LOADING UNUSED STUFF in the BUS NAMED “LET GO”.
Else one of the Khans will come and Say ….”Picture Avi Baaki Hai Mere Dost” ……Think About it..


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