Spice of Life

What is Vitamin B12, an Ayurvedic Way

palm sugar - good source of Vitamin B12

Are you getting enough Vitamin B12?

Now a days Vitamin B12 deficiency is the most challenging issue for vegetarians. Vitamin B12 is required for a variety of vital biological processes. This starts from proper red blood cell formation, to neurological function, and even DNA synthesis.

A lack of vitamin B12 can cause subtle. Over time, significant health problems, some of which may lead to permanent health issues.

Causes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Deficiency in the diet could be a major reason, if you are a vegetarian.

Growth of Bacteria in the digestive tract makes the movement of Vitamin B12 along with other nutrients very slow, and the bacteria uses Vitamin B12 for its own survival

The stomach protein known as intrinsic factor is responsible for the absorption of Vitamin B12. In pernicious anemia, this stomach protein is absent for which the Vitamin B12 remains unabsorbed and the body gets deficient of Vitamin B12.

When there is a disturbed agni (Digestive Fire), there is pitta vitiation which commonly result deficiency of vitamin D and B12. The body in disturbed stage is unable to absorb-assimilate nutrients properly from food so our report shows deficiency. This is a proper treatment of digestion (agni) and vitiated dosha with pathya (proper food-regimen) automatically helps in any and every deficiency.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can be identified by a Blood Test

  • Complete Blood Count
  • Reticulocyte Count
  • Folic Acid
  • Homocysteine
  • Vitamin B12
  • Urine test for Methylmalonic acid
  • Schilling Test

The Right Diet for Vitamin B12

Indian traditional food included many of fermented products like gruel, dahi, buttermilk, etc. which is a rich source of Vitamin B12. Dairy particularly

  1. Yogurt and Cheese
  2. Eggs and Poultry
  3. Fortified Cereals and Tofu
  4. Palm Sugar, Nutritious Natural Sweetener (a rare plant source of vitamin B12 with low glycemic index)
  5.  Sea Food

Correcting the Agni(Digestive Fire), eating the right diet with regard to our liver status and pitta, subsequently brings in report normalcy and there by well being.


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